Sunday, May 3, 2009

Advise for Next Year...

Continuing in our Senioritis, graduation, college rant, I've decided give a little advise to those less fortunate and having to serve yet another, torturous year in high school.

For those of you that will still be stuck in this progressively worse High school crap hole, having NO IDEA where to look at for schools next year, get a move on, NOW! I defiantly recommend applying ALL early action, you're not binded to the schools you apply early action to, you just get all your applications and whatnot filled out and turned in early, so they notify you of acceptance earlier than regular decision kids. Early action does not affect your chances of getting in, if you don't make the cut for acceptance early action, they add you to the regular decision applicants and look over you again and just notify you the regular time. Benefits of early action?- Obviously early notification of early acceptance, but also priority scholarship consideration, plus you have more time to weigh your choices and get that scholarship money! speaking of scholarship money- if you are white (male or female), christian, your parents are NOT in the US Military, and you are NOT disabled, and you are NOT considered need-based, you wont be getting any scholarships, even if you do, I can tell you they wont be very big AT ALL. like, not significant... what-so-ever. sorry, its just the way it goes. UNLESS you apply to VERY SMALL schools... or WVU. ha ha.

Get your SAT's done early, you SHOULD HAVE already taken it like twice by now, if not, SIGN UP FOR JUNE!!! they dont offer SATs over the summer, so squeeze one more in the fall. Take an average of 3 SATs, thats the best bet.

Get your letters of Recommendation done early also, you may not need them for the school your apply to, you usually only need one for that, but scholarships usually ask for like, two or sometimes even three.

Dont really foucus on college application essays, I didnt have ANY! wooo hooo! However, for Penn State and James Madison, I was given the opportunity to give a personal statement, its totally optional, but i totally recommend doing it. I based mine on my campus visits.

Speaking of visits, VISIT the school before making a decision! I totally cant stress that enough! I was SO set on Coastal Carolina at the point of last year. I visited the school the weekend of my birthday, I even stayed on campus with a friend, it was SO not what I was looking for in a place Im going to be spending four years of my life (I dont really plan on transfering, Iwas looking for a place to spend all four years). It was like FCC at the beach, which isnt bad, FCC isnt bad, totally easy, and I LOVE the beach, but the gym that they play their college basketball games was the same size as BHS, as well as the football "stadium", I hated it. I wanted to get AWAY from BHS, not transfer to another one.
Visiting the campus is my best advice I could give, honestly, thats when you KNOW what school to chose. I took two steps onto JAmes Madison's campus and fell totally head over heels, it was everything I wanted in a school, smaller class sizes, actually college football stadium, not too shabby dorms, BEST FOOD EVER! (number 5 in the nation suckaaassss!), free student gym that is WILD! open 24/7, very active student groups, sororities out the ying-yang, friendly students, awesome party scene, allthe majors i could possibly see myself in. the moment i stepped on campus I knew i was home. I knew JMU was where i wanted to spend the next5, or 6 years of my life. I cant stress it enough. VISIT THE CAMPUS!

Good luck next year yall!

And if anyone is considering JMU, you can totally stay with me for a night or a weekend or something, I'll show you around no problem, just let me know!!!

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